HEALTH & WELLNESS GROUP - hosted by Exeter Area Chamber
Join Us on the second Monday of each month for the Health & Wellness Meeting at the Exeter Area YMCA, located at 56 Linden Street in Exeter, NH from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Share your challenges and successes in your organization with other health professionals, or what your marketing plan looks like for the year or what the newest techniques you are using to help your patients/clients. Each quarter we have an Exeter Area Chamber member present on a topic of interest to the group, it might be a new technique for treating arthritis, or social media marketing, networking, etc. Join Us to see what the Health & Wellness Group is all about and if it fits your needs.
PRESENTER for HEALTH & WELLNESS GROUP - hosted by Exeter Area Chamber
REGISTER TO PRESENT to the Exeter Area Chamber HEALTH & WELLNESS GROUP, to present you must be an Exeter Area Chamber member. Please register to present and include your presentation topic in the comments area on the registration form. Thank you. Each quarter, an Exeter Area Chamber member will present on a topic of interest to the group, it might be a new technique for treating arthritis, or social media marketing, networking, etc. Presentation Dates for 2024: January 8, 2024 April 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 October 14, 2024 Join Us on the second Monday of each month for the Exeter Area Chamber Health & Wellness Meeting at the Exeter Area YMCA, located at 56 Linden Street in Exeter, NH from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Share your challenges and successes in your organization with other health professionals, or what your marketing plan looks like for the year or what the newest techniques you are using to help your patients/clients.