SCORE Seacoast Workshop: Increase Sales by Attracting More of Your Best Customers
You can increase sales by knowing how to attract the customers you want the most. In this workshop, Alexander Nouveau from nouveaustartups.com will teach you:
- How to find your best customers who pay, stay, and refer others like themselves (and stop serving the customers who want everything but expect to pay nothing)
- A case study of American Express and how they have fewer customers than Visa/Mastercard, but their customers are worth 20X more
- How to structure your business in a way where you attract your best customers and repel the folks you really don’t want to work with
- How to stand out from the competition by creating an offer so good that customers would feel silly saying no to it

Date and Time
Wednesday May 3, 2023
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Live online workshop presented by Seacoast SCORE volunteers
This FREE workshop is presented by SCORE Seacoast volunteers in partnership with our sponsors. Advance registration is required. Register today to reserve your seat!
Contact Information
SCORE Seacoast
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