Provider Night
Irina Serebryakova is a Nurse Practitioner in private practice in Exeter. She has expertise in Functional Nutrition with a concentration in injection therapies.
Irina will share about Neural Therapy which involves injections of local anesthetics into peripheral nerves, autonomic ganglia, scars, glands, acupuncture points and joints.
It is designed to repair dysfunction of the (ANS)autonomic nervous system, the part of the nervous system responsible for the “automatic” functions of the body – immune system, circulation, hormone release, temperature regulation, digestion, breathing and healing ability.
Neural Therapy is one of the best-known natural healing methods in Germany and is now also practiced in other countries in Europe and the United States
Irina developed interest in fitness and health at early age. Although she was trained as an engineer in Europe, she hosted a health education program on national TV in the Ukraine and became a Fitness Champion. Through this journey, she discovered her passion for sharing wellness education with others.
When she immigrated to the US in 1998, she decided to transform her passion into her career. She learned English and became a Nurse Practitioner.
Her international journey continued from Kiev to New York to Massachusetts, to recent arrival in New Hampshire with a Seacoast residency and the practice of Functional Medicine in Exeter as a perfect place for further growth and evolution.
Date and Time
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST
Arete Chiropractic